Win: Katy using her Frommer's guide to Western National Parks to lead us on a "winding road passage that will drop us off of a grand mountain view" in Grand Teton Park.
Lose: Getting stuck behind 3 suburbans who decided to stop along every curve, turn and straightaway up the 20 minute hill, to take pictures of evergreen trees and wildflowers that are everywhere in the park. (Being a typical NYer, we passed them on a one lane highway AND photo bombed them while doing so. yessss.)
Win: Finding a 2 mile hike around Colter Bay Lake among beautiful wildlife, gorgeous wildflowers, peaceful lake and mountain views, rock skipping contests, etc.
Lose: Not seeing a bear on the hike.***(More about this at the end) Even when Katy devised an elaborate plan that involved a twin attack and Jess running a speedy 7 minute mile to get help...with a bear hot on her tail.
Win: Being able to say we've been to Yellowstone.
Lose: On what we thought should have been an hour trip from Grand Teton, upon our arrival 4 hours later, we not only realized that the closest campsites were 29, 69 and 99 miles away, we also found out that they were all full.
Win: We found a campsite 3 miles away from one of the many entrances of Yellowstone.
Lose: Four words- pit toilets, no showers.
Win: We met Old Faithful and saw the amazing contrasting colors of the green blue spurting geysers and the orange sulphur ridden soil around it.
Lose: Figuring out which was more gross: the smell of the sulphur oozing from the earth, the warm spa treatment from the steam and water protruding from the geysers, the prospect of getting Legionnaire's disease from the geyser water or the 9 year old Mexican boy sipping whole milk from a carton in 80 degree heat.
Win: Finding pay showers.
Lose: Realizing we'd need 39 quarters for one 6 minute shower each.
Win: Waking up alive.
Lose: Being two hours away from this:
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